Courier Mail Server

Courier Mail Server - latest releases

PGP distribution signing key

Public Github repository with miscellaneous scripts and tools.

Package: Courier

Current release
16-Mar-20251.4.0 courier-1.4.0.tar.bz2
(PGP signature)

This package includes the entire source code for the Courier mail server - the mail server, IMAP server, webmail server, and the maildrop mail filter. You do not need to install those individual packages if you download this package.

(Download older/other releases)

Package: Courier authentication library

Current release
05-Aug-20240.72.3 courier-authlib-0.72.3.tar.bz2
(PGP signature)

The Courier Authentication Library is a generic authentication API that encapsulates the process of validating account passwords. In addition to reading the traditional account passwords from /etc/passwd, the account information can alternatively be obtained from an LDAP directory; a MySQL or a PostgreSQL database; or a GDBM or a DB file. The Courier authentication library must be installed before building any Courier packages that needs direct access to mailboxes (in other words, all packages except for courier-sox, courier-analog, and courier-unicode).

(Download older/other releases)

Package: Courier Unicode Library

Current release
05-Aug-20242.3.1 courier-unicode-2.3.1.tar.bz2
(PGP signature)

The Courier Unicode Library is used by most other Courier packages, and needs to be installed in order to use them or build them.

(Download older/other releases)

Package: Courier-analog

Current release
02-Dec-20220.22 courier-analog-0.22.tar.bz2
(PGP signature)

This is an optional package, the Courier log analyzer. Courier-analog generates log summaries for incoming and outgoing SMTP connections, and IMAP and POP3 activity. courier-analog can generate output in text or HTML format.

(Download older/other releases)

Package: Courier-IMAP

Current release
29-Aug-20245.2.10 courier-imap-5.2.10.tar.bz2
(PGP signature)

This package contains the standalone Courier IMAP server, which is used to provide IMAP access to local mailboxes. Courier-IMAP is provided here as a separate package that can be used with other mail servers as well.

More information about the Courier-IMAP server.

(Download older/other releases)

Package: SqWebMail

Current release
05-Aug-20246.2.9 sqwebmail-6.2.9.tar.bz2
(PGP signature)

This package contains the SqWebMail webmail CGI. This CGI is used by the Courier mail server to provide webmail access to local mailboxes. SqWebMail is provided here as a separate package that can be used with other mail servers as well.

More information about SqWebMail.

(Download older/other releases)

Package: maildrop

Current release
05-Aug-20243.1.8 maildrop-3.1.8.tar.bz2
(PGP signature)

This package contains the maildrop delivery agent/mail filter. This mail filter module is included in the Courier mail server, which uses it to filter incoming mail. Maildrop is provided here as a separate package that can be used with other mail servers as well.

More information about maildrop.

(Download older/other releases)

Package: courier-sox

Current release
05-Aug-20240.19 courier-sox-0.19.tar.bz2
(PGP signature)

This package contains the Courier Socks 5 Proxy client library, which allows Courier to send outgoing mail using a Socks 5 proxy. You will need to install this package before building Courier in order to use a Socks proxy to send outgoing mail.

(Download older/other releases)

Package: Cone

Current release
05-Aug-20241.14 cone-1.14.tar.bz2
(PGP signature)

This package contains Cone, a text-based mail client based, in part, on Courier libraries.

More information about Cone.

(Download older/other releases)

Package: sysconftool

Current release
02-Dec-20220.21 sysconftool-0.21.tar.bz2
(PGP signature)

The sysconftool utility contains an additional autoconf macro used by Courier to install configuration files. You only need to install sysconftool if you intend to check out Courier from Git. You do not need to install sysconftool in order to compile and install tarballed releases.

More information about sysconftool.

(Download older/other releases)