preline — Prepend legacy mbox headers
} [arg...]
preline is a wrapper for program.
preline is usually invoked from
preline runs program,
together with any additional arguments
specified on the command line.
program then receives the message being delivered, with
some additional headers.
The additional headers come from the UFLINE
, and RPLINE
environment variables.
These environment
variables are initialized by courierdeliver, which reads
and executes
commands from $HOME/.courier.
These environment variables contain
additional headers that should be added to every message that's delivered to a
local mailbox.
preline must be used if program,
that is executed from
to deliver mail,
does not recognize these environment variables.
contains the From_
contains the
header, and RPLINE
contains the
header. If these headers are not present in
the message
that the program reads, you may end up with excessive resources being consumed
by mail loops or by malfunctioning software which expects to see
lines in all messages scheduled for local delivery
(such as procmail).